"Surgical castration of pigs should be abandoned by 1 January 2018" Brussels Declaration, 2010
“Reduced piglet vitality and poor sow maternal behaviour are the main causes leading to piglet mortality”
Ingelheim, Germany, 17 December 2018 – Boehringer Ingelheim has developed ASF COMBAT (ASF Comprehensive Online Management and Biosecurity Assessment Tool). This tool enables pig producers to evaluate areas for biosecurity improvement on their farms by completing a short questionnaire based on ASF virus scientific literature and practical experience, intended to help reducing the ASF introduction risk level.
Precision is the future of all food production including pork and prevention is the foundation of precision. In this series of articles, Dr. DiPietre will look at different aspects related with pig production and precision agriculture and what economic impact could they have in our farms.
Behavioural studies show: Differences in suckling-activity of piglets and/or feed intake after vaccination can be explained largely by the tolerance or intolerance of piglets to the vaccines applied.
US - With the recent increase in porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDv) cases reported this spring, the latest At The Meeting (ATM) with the Morrison Group audio program provides an update on developments in case reporting, effective control steps and immunology in the last year.
In hyperprolific sows with the potential to produce large litters, gestation length will typically last for 3 months, 3 weeks and 3 to 5 days. The more foetuses present, the less room there is for adhesion of the placenta of each individual pig to the uterine wall. To facilitate maximal embryonic development, it is important that the sow is optimally nourished prior to insemination. Also it is important to recognise and minimise stress factors such as fluctuations in environmental temperature, social stress such as fighting and exposure to toxins and infections e.g. PRRS. In hyperprolific sows particularly, these factors have significant negative impact on the forthcoming gestation.
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