Signs of excessive intra-uterine pressure during birth:
Slow start of breathing in newborn piglets
Ruptured, profusely bleeding umbilical cords at birth
Strangulation of the piglets by the umbilical cord
Uterine spasm, retarded birth
A typical situation: farrowing was planned for the Thursday but many sows have already farrowed by Tuesday. Weak piglets lead to low milk-release of the sow.
Sow herd vaccination, i.e. against influenza and other viruses that can be transferred from the sow’s blood stream through the uterine blood supply thereby breaking through the uterine barrier: PRRS-virus, Circovirus, Parvovirus
Good body condition and fitness of the sow
Here you can read and download some of the posters presented during IPVS 2016 in Dublin
Swine veterinarians and researchers are encouraged to submit proposals for BIVI PRRS Research Awards as the Company provides $75,000 to fund three porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) research studies for the 12th year.
US - Many of the key lessons gained from area regional control (ARC) programme targeted at PRRS virus over the last six years are now being used to help producers manage, monitor and share information on other swine diseases, including porcine epidemic diarrhoea (PED) and influenza, says Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica Inc. (BIVI).
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