Date: June 28th 2018Place: Newcastle (UK)
We need accurate ways to assess pain in pigs in order to evaluate the welfare consequences of interventions and to develop more effective pain mitigation strategies, according to a recently published review* of various methods currently under investigation.
The objective of the study was to investigate if the oral meloxicam administration to sows during farrowing reduces pain and infection and increases the well-being as well as the suckling behaviour of the sow. This will lead to improved intake of milk in piglets which has a positive effect on the transfer of maternal immunity, weight gain and survival capability of the piglets.
"Stereotypies such as bar biting or sham chewing are frequent in pregnant sows kept in stalls, while they are less frequent in sows kept in groups"
Pig production has responded to the challenge of increased global demand for pork by a process of consolidation and increased size to capture benefits of economies of scale. Over the last 25 years the swine industry has evolved in order to increase production performance, health and animal wellbeing towards age segregated or multiple site production models. In general, it can be stated that the changes in production systems have produced a positive effect in the health status of pigs by improving the way we raise pigs today.
Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health has decided to remain focused on freshly mixed Porcine Circovirus type 2 (PCV2)/ Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (M.hyo) vaccines and not follow the development of a PCV2/M.hyo ready-to-use (RTU) vaccine combination. As a consequence of this decision, the company has discontinued its PCV2/M.hyo RTU research program.
Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc. (BIVI) is inviting proposals for the annual Boehringer Ingelheim Advancement in PRRS Research Award Program.
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