A rapid and straight forward birth process helps the production of normal lactation milk.
The amount of milk produced by the sow depends in some part on the vitality and number of piglets:
Only strong, active piglets suckling the udder stimulate milk production of the sow
Well timed and consistent milk intake by the piglets is important in maintaining the whole lactation of the sow.
Udder development and colostrum production starts during late gestation but before the birth process has started.
The amount of colostrum that is produced depends on genetic and hormonal factors as well as body condition. The intrinsic quality of colostrum is also influenced by stress.
Correct water and feed supply to the sow in the last third of gestation is essential for optimal colostrum production.
1. Colostrum phase
On average sows produce about 5 litres of colostum, where every piglet needs 250 ml each
Colostrum is released within 15 hours of the birth-process starting
The regulation of organ-development, as well as the performance of specific organs follows a certain nutritional cascade.
Do you want to learn more about transmission of African Swine Fever virus? Do you want to understand the practical implication for biosecurity on your farm? This collection of recordings of the Meet the Experts podcast can give you answers to these important questions.
Because hypothermic pigs
require more time after birth to ingest adequate colostrum
generally ingest less colostrum
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