The regulation of organ-development, as well as the performance of specific organs follows a certain nutritional cascade.
Up to 40 milking bouts per day!
Natural protective agents in the sow’s mature milk are active in the piglet’s intestines.
• No milk-no protective agents! ►pathogens readily multiply in the intestines
• Hourly milk-take is a prerequisite for a healthy gut and a healthy piglet
Milk production is at peak level on day 18 +/- 1 of lactation where up to about 16 litres/day is produced depending on:
Litter size and vitality of the suckling pigs
Genetic potential
Health status
The protective agents released during the entire lactation remain active in the piglets’ intestines.
EU - The EU PCVD Consortium announced awards for Professor Hans Nauwynck and Professor Joaquim Segalés in its June 2008 newsletter.
Pig production has responded to the challenge of increased global demand for pork by a process of consolidation and increased size to capture benefits of economies of scale. Over the last 25 years the swine industry has evolved in order to increase production performance, health and animal wellbeing towards age segregated or multiple site production models. In general, it can be stated that the changes in production systems have produced a positive effect in the health status of pigs by improving the way we raise pigs today.
Dr Tomasz Trela shares his experiences on farms in ASF affected areas.
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