Oliver Duran

Dr Oliver Duran, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECPHM, MRCVS is a swine Veterinarian with over 25 years of experience in the field. He currently leads the Technical team in the Strategic Business Unit Swine in Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health. He is passionate about Preventative Medicine and ensuring that healthy pigs produce quality pork in the most sustainable way to ensure the highest animal welfare, food safety and profitability.



Consumers, food and restaurant companies, WHO and various governments are requiring livestock farmers to produce meat raised with lower use of antimicrobial drugs.  The discussion has moved on from analysing the potential risks that the use of antimicrobials in livestock can have on society to managing the new situation where pork producers will have to raise pigs using less, or even without, antibiotics. This is of course at the same time as a predicted increase in demand for protein, unprecedented restrictions on land and water use and rising input costs. What should producers do?